About Fats of Life
FatsofLife.com is designed to help keep healthcare practitioners up to date about the benefits of EPA and DHA omega-3s to address public health challenges. Most of the world’s population does not get enough EPA and DHA and we believe empowering healthcare practitioners with the information they need about the importance of these nutrients for the entire population is an important undertaking. Created more than 20 years ago, FatsofLife.com has evolved from a journal-based newsletter summarizing cutting-edge research in the fatty acids field to the current fully-referenced site on the body of scientific evidence supporting the benefits of EPA and DHA.
About GOED
FatsofLife.com is owned by the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED), a trade association representing 200+ global companies active in the EPA and DHA omega-3 industry. GOED focuses on addressing the insufficient consumption of EPA and DHA in the human diet. Our mission is to promote global consumption of EPA and DHA to address this public health need.

About AlwaysOmega3s
GOED also maintains a website to educate your patients directly about the benefits of EPA and DHA omega-3s at alwaysomega3s.com. The site includes consumer-friendly information on omega-3 benefits, a quick quiz to determine if your patients are getting enough, as well as infographics, videos and FAQs.

About the GOED Clinical Study Database
csd.goedomega3.com is a research database compiling studies about EPA+DHA omega-3s. The database can be used to search for studies in different topic areas, or take a deep dive into the science on a particular topic or study of interest.